
Gays Sing ED Praises, Say President More Engaging Than Mugabe, Opposition
[All Africa] Gays and Lesbians Association (GALZ) director Chester Samba has showered praises on President Emmerson Mnangagwa whom he said understood them better than his predecessor and the opposition.

"We started talking to Mnangagwa when he was Justice Minister and he is a reasonable man and is not new to LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, intersex and queer) issues compared to the hostile reception of the former president Mugabe," he said at a media briefing by community groups on Monday.

"We have also seen a decline in abuse in campaigning by Zanu PF of our members and harassment just in the recent past and this may see our members voting."

Under former President Bob Muggsy Mugabe
Nonagenarian President-for-Life of Zim-bob-we who turned the former Breadbasket of Africa into the African Basket Case. Dumped in November 2017 when the Missus decided she wanted to be president, and opposed heer might against Crocodile Mnangawa Important safety tip: If your opponent goes by the name Crocodile andf your title is Shopper in Chief let him win....
's regime, gays were subjected to insults and victimisation by the country's security establishments.

Mugabe described them as "worse than dogs and pigs".

Galvanised by Mugabe's ouster and his replacement by Mnangagwa November last year, gays and lesbians have moved to gauge the new rulers' position on their situation.

This culminated in a surprise meeting with Zanu PF officials which was later described as successful by the group.

Samba said they also attempted to engage the opposition MDC-T led by Nelson Chamisa but were ignored.

"Yes we met Zanu PF officials and we had a fruitful meeting after writing a letter to them but we did not even get a response from other political parties that have a chance of forming the next government," said Samba.

Posted by: Fred 2018-07-11