
Radical cleric Abu Hamza sues for more British benefits
Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, who is in a British jail on incitement to murder charges, is to sue welfare officials for thousands of pounds (dollars) in extra state benefits, a newspaper said. Hamza, who is due in court next month on incitement to murder charges, claims he has been denied benefits worth 200 pounds (290 euros, 389 dollars) a week for nearly three years, The Sun newspaper said. His family are already taking in benefits worth over 1,000 pounds a week, it said. Meanwhile, he is kept at the taxpayers' expense in jail, has his own personal nurse and even received a new hook worth 5,000 pounds, which is in place of his missing hand, it said. A jail source was quoted as saying: "He has a cheek."
Doesn't mean he gets to keep it.
Hamza, 47, an Egyptian-born British national, a distinctive figure with one eye and a hooked hand, was charged in October with 10 counts of soliciting murder. The little-used charge, covered by an 1861 criminal law, relates to inciting others to murder unspecified people and carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. In Hamza's case it is connected to alleged incitement by the cleric at public gatherings to kill non-Muslims, specifically Jews, according to four of the charges. He was also charged with four counts of using threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour with intent to stir up racial hatred; one count of possessing threatening, abusive or insulting sound recordings; and one count of possessing a terrorist document. The United States is seeking to extradite him on separate charges. The US extradition case has been suspended until the British charges are dealt with.
We'll wait patiently. If he does get life, send him to us when his sentence is up. I'm sure we have a federal prison plot in the Leavenworth cemetery for him.

Posted by: tipper 2004-12-22