
Why So Hysterical?
[Anti-IdiotarianRottweiler] In which His Imperial Majesty allows himself the luxury of engaging in wild speculation, so no need to point it out. We know.

You surely know the old saying: "If you’re catching flak, you’re over the target".

So one thing that we’ve been scratching our head about for the past couple of days in the precious few moments that we have time for such things is "why the hitherto unprecedented amounts of flak and hysteria over the Helsinki meeting and press conference?"

We don’t know and, unlike all of the self-appointed geniuses of the world, we’re not afraid to admit that we don’t know, but that never stopped our hyperactive mind from wandering whither it wants to go in the past.

And it’s not just the quite honestly pathetic hysteria post-meeting. One thing that caught our attention was the silly ham sandwich indictments of last Friday. "Russian spies spy, news at 11, clear the headline!"

...What about the mass hysteria after President Trump refused to take the bait and nullify anything that might have been achieved during the talks by calling President Putin a big, filthy, lying liar that lies in front of the world?

Sure, part of it was just the usual freak show whenever the President says or does anything. He could come out with a cure for cancer tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow the Lugenpresse would be in a frothing meltdown over the career prospects of oncologists everywhere.

But we think that most people would agree that it was a bit more hysterical than usual, hard though as that would have been to imagine a mere week ago.

Why? What are they worried about? They acted as if he’d just handed over the nuclear codes to President Putin and agreed to an unconditional surrender of the United States when, in matter of fact, the only thing he did was to, for once, act like a diplomat and not publicly insult his negotiating partner.

That’s what got us thinking and, more likely than not, send our mind off on a walkabout. Pure speculation, that is.

Just what, exactly, might the two of them have talked about?

To be sure, the allegations of Russian spying are undoubtedly true. Everybody spies on everybody, it’s what nations do, it’s just that some nations are better at it than others. It doesn’t excuse the spying and it most definitely doesn’t mean that it’s NOT a top priority for us to counter all that spying in any way we can, but it is hardly news. But that also means that the Russians undoubtedly know a great number of things going on in this country that certain parties in this country would rather not that anybody find out about.

Some cucks and Prozis (but we repeat ourself) asked "what does Putin have on Trump?"

The more relevant question might be: "What does Putin have on the Prozis and their pals, and did he share it with Trump?"

Then everything starts making more sense.

But that’s all speculation. We may never know, or maybe we will one day but we’ll never know where it came from, or maybe it’s all just much ado about nothing. That’s entirely possible.

But it does make you think, doesn’t it?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2018-07-22