
Mosul: First person accounts
Edited for brevity. Hat tip: Michelle Malkin
Sgt. Evan Byler, of the 276th [Engineer Battalion of the Virginia National Guard], steadied himself on one of the concrete bomb shelters. He was eating chicken tenders and macaroni when the bomb hit. The blast knocked him out of his chair. When the smoke cleared, Byler took off his shirt and wrapped it around a seriously wounded soldier. Byler held the bloody shirt in his hand, not quite sure what to do with it. "It's not the first close call I have had here," said Byler, a Fauquier County, Va., resident who survived a blast from an improvised explosive device while riding in a vehicle earlier this year. Byler started walking back to his base when he saw a soldier collapse from shock on the side of the road. Byler and 1st Lt. Shawn Otto of Williamsburg, Va., also of the 276th, put the grieving soldier on a passing pickup truck. The 276th, with about 500 troops, had made it a year without losing a soldier and is preparing to return home in about a month.
Posted by: Dar 2004-12-22