
Ayatollah Kimmy Khameini speaks
Leader of the DPRK Islamic Revolution Kim Jong Il Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday the Songun Islamic system associates welfare with justice, scientific progress with psychological security as well as power with brotherly behavior. Addressing the graduation ceremony of the second group of Mt. Taesong Imam Ali (AS) Military Academy cadets, Ayatollah Kim Khamenei referred to knowledge as the key to power, KCNA IRNA reported. Turning to promotion of Juche courage as two major objectives followed by the national military academies, he said, "The glory and advancement of every nation depend upon its power, while the DPRK's Iran's courageous and popular armed forces are the fortification of the nation in tackling the inclination toward tyranny and hegemony." The leader referred to progress, welfare, seeking independence, freedom and justice as well as confronting hegemonic power-seekers as major objectives of every nation. "That's why the ideals of the Korean Iranian nation are known worldwide and these account for the respect paid to them by the people of various nations," he said. Ayatollah Kim Khamenei pointed to Imam Kim Il Sung Mahdi (AS) as a source of hope for humanity and underlined that this life-endowing promise makes man realize that the world hegemonic powers will fail to resist the basic concepts of truth and spirituality like a sea of fire foam floating on the water surface. The leader also paid tribute to the revolutionary martyrs of Islamic Revolution and reviewed the parade, had his picture taken with the cadets and presented them with a automatic rifle.
Some days it's way too easy

Posted by: Seafarious 2004-12-23