
Annan Urges Reassessment of Sudan Efforts
OMG! There's violins in Darfur!
Secretary-General Kofi Annan called on the U.N. Security Council Wednesday to urgently reassess its efforts to end nearly two-years of conflict and bloodshed in Sudan's western Darfur region, saying the current approach isn't working.
See, Kofi can be taught.
Both Annan and the council expressed deep concern Tuesday at the deteriorating security situation in the vast region where rebels and government-backed forces have repeatedly broken pledges to stop fighting and only 900 troops of a 4,000-strong African Union force have actually been deployed. But the secretary-general went further Wednesday, saying "quite frankly our approach isn't working."
But he'll still bang his head into the wall just the same.
The council on Tuesday condemned repeated cease-fire violations and warned it would consider "a full range of options" to pressure both sides to comply with council resolutions if fighting doesn't stop. But no further meeting has been scheduled this month.
That'll do it, by Gawd! If they don't comply, cancel the next meeting!
Two Security Council resolutions have threatened possible sanctions, but U.S. Ambassador Jack Danforth has said members won't consider such tough measures. China, which imports Sudanese oil, has been most reluctant, but China's U.N. Ambassador Wang Guangya said Wednesday his government would consider further action if both sides are targeted. "Whatever measure it is, we are going to study it, but it has to be targeted on both sides, not just on one side," Wang said. "Clearly the information from the ground is that both sides are making the troubles, not one side. So we need to take a balanced approach."
Yes, how dare the victims in Darfur try to defend themselves. It'd be so much more one-sided if they just bared their throats. Then the Chinese ambassador could feel more comfortable targeting a measure. After lunch.
And the ChiCom tune will be what everyone must dance to, cuz they have a veto. Yep, the UN works for me.
Posted by: .com 2004-12-23