
London Islamist Turhan Nisban: "Civilian" Is a Western Concept; No Need for Fatwas to Carry Out
The following are excerpts from an interview with London Islamist Turhan Nisban

Turhan Nisban: The Sunnis do not have "a source of authority" like a pope. Anyone understands that there are certain principles. If an enemy enters the country, you don't need a fatwa. I don't need to ask for permission from the sheikh and say to him: "Am I allowed to fight Jihad against an enemy who enters my home?" Nor does a wife need to ask for her husband's permission.

We are not talking about fighting an enemy. We are talking about massacres, slaughters, targeting civilians, even targeting foreign civilians. The term "civilians"
 They don't even acknowledge the term "civilians."

Interviewer: Who decides what the term means?

Turhan Nisban: The religious legal authority. One reads in history
 I have an historical religious source of authority. Islamic history has no term for "civilian" in the Western sense. This is a Western term. In our Islamic law rules of war, one can be a "combatant," a "non-combatant," or "protected by an agreement." A person can be a combatant even if he does not carry a weapon. In other words, a person who came to wash and cook for the American soldiers in order to free them to fight) - like the Nepalese — such a person is considered a combatant.
Posted by: tipper 2004-12-23