
Record Low Unemployment for Less Educated Americans
WASHINGTON (AP) ‐ The unemployment rates for recent veterans and less educated Americans fell to record lows in July.

The rate for those who have served in the armed forces anytime since September 2001 dropped to 3 percent, the lowest level on record since 2006.

The strong job market is starting to benefit lower-skilled workers as well. The jobless rate for Americans without high school diplomas dropped to 5.1 percent, the lowest level on record going back to 1992.
Somebody once said something about a rising tide floating all boats, but that statement was - and continues to be - mocked by the legacy infotainment media and their Democratic coaches.

Yahoo News version

Dallas Morning News had the same article, "from wire reports", Friday or Saturday in Mrs. Bobby's print edition, in the Business section, but I can't find it on the website today.

Posted by: Bobby 2018-08-05