
Michael Fn Moore: ‘F‐k Hope, Seriously, F---k Hope;' Trump Will Be ‘Last President of the U.S.'
F‐k hope," because it’s "the lazy way out," liberal activist filmmaker Michael Moore says in an interview promoting his new anti-Trump film, "Fahrenheit 11/9," which opens in theaters on September 21.

Legal means and exposing scandals can’t "save the country," Moore told The Huffington Post in his vulgar attack on "hope":

"F--k hope. Seriously, f--k hope. F--k despair, too. But f--k hope.
But first, f--k you, Michael. And if your prophecy comes to pass, hopefully you will be our first hero and suffer the resulting fate after you figure out how stupid you were.
"Hope is passive. Hope gives you permission to let someone else do the work. Hope leads people to believe that tax returns, or a pee tape, or the FBI or an adult film star will save the country. Hope, and the passivity that comes with it, is what helped get us here to begin with. It’s the lazy way out.

"We don’t need hope. We need action."

"There is a real insurgency taking place" ‐ and it’s coming from an extremely surprising source, Moore said:
Let me guess, it'll be revealed in your upcoming movie, right?
"The revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places. The resistance ― the true resistance ― is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. I can’t reveal too much right now, but there is a real insurgency taking place."

"Ladies and gentlemen: the last president of the United States," the trailer for Moore’s film declares while showing a clip of President Donald Trump.
Posted by: gorb 2018-08-09