
Deep State Husbands
[NewsWithViews] Most of us are familiar with the Stepford Wives, but how many of us realize that the men involved in the so-called Deep State have wives that are anything but Stepford-type women?

Those of us who seek news outside of the mainstream know who Nellie Ohr is. Fox News spent the past week inundating us with information about her. The question is: Why did they wait so long to broadcast data published seven months ago? Fox News treated it like a news alert ‐ called it that, in fact.

It’s almost as if everything is being carefully timed to achieve a very secret objective.

Do the words "statute of limitations" resonate as the reason behind Robert Mueller’s, the FBI’s, the DOJ’s and Congressional Committees’ unreasonable delays? If truth can be delayed long enough, no one goes to jail because the statute of limitations comes and goes so no one can be prosecuted.

When a crime (with a few exceptions ‐ like murder) is perpetrated, the authorities have a limited amount of time to catch and prosecute the offender. If the statute of limitations says the authorities have three years to solve and prosecute the crime, the perp can confess the day after the three year limit passes and cannot be prosecuted for it. The crime is "dead."

The Obama administration, the FBI and Department of Justice have handled many of their responsibilities to department policies and to our Constitution with reckless disregard. If they delay things beyond the statute of limitations they cannot be prosecuted. Thus they get to maintain their fictitious record of upholding the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic, and all of the mafia-like characters who have caused this challenge to our Constitutional Republic ‐ and they get to retire at taxpayer expense.
Posted by: Anomolous Sources 2018-08-13