
U.S. arrested 2 Zarqawi-linked leaders in Iraq
The U.S. army announced on Saturday that it arrested two key leaders of a group claiming links to Abu Musab Al Zarqawi in the Iraqi city of Ramadi. The military said in a statement that the two men "were cell leaders for a local Zarqawi-affiliated terrorist group that is operating" in the Al Anbar province, which includes the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. The statement added that the group "kidnapped and executed 11 Iraqi National Guardsmen" and that it was responsible for a number of car explosions and other attacks in the Ramadi area. It also said that the cell "smuggled foreign terrorists into the country."

The statement identified the men as Saleh Arugayan Khalil, also known as Abu Obaida, and Bassem Mohammad Hazim, also known as Abu Khattab. It said that they were arrested on Dec. 8 and Dec. 12 during search operations in the western Anbar province. "Many foreign fighters were also detained," it said, adding that the "detainees have provided information regarding the involvement of other individuals who are actively recruiting and smuggling foreign terrorists."

U.S. and Iraqi officials say that foreign rebels led by Jordanian-born Al Zarqawi are responsible for many of the bombings, killings and kidnappings. They also accuse supporters of the toppled Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, of aiding the resistance. On the other hand, many Iraqis believe that the fighters are just local citizens who oppose the presence of foreign forces in their country.
That's the guys who voted 100 percent for Sammy in the last pre-war "election."

Posted by: Fred 2004-12-25