
More residents return to Fallujah
More residents returned to their destroyed homes in Fallujah on Saturday. Many of those who returned were shocked and angry. Some of them complained of the tough security measures imposed by the Iraqi government and U.S. authorities on the returning citizens. "Every two hours, they are letting one car pass through the checkpoint," complained a Fallujah resident who names himself only as Hassan.
I wouldn't let any cars through the checkpoint. They're just going to explode.
"And there are so many checkpoints and measures before we can get into the city, such as sniffing dogs and mirrors being put under our cars."
My heart bleeds. So does your neighbor, anus.
A Marine statement said that a total of 1,404 refugees returned to their homes in the Andalus district of Fallujah on Thursday and Friday.
Posted by: Fred 2004-12-25