
Jesse Jackson: Bush Would Have Left Jesus Homeless
President Bush has implemented economic policies that resemble those of the Roman Empire, which forced the baby Jesus into homelessness on the night of his birth, former civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson said in a pre-Christmas rant late Thursday. "In the last [Bush] budget, we cut housing again, and that was Jesus' dilemma. In Bethlehem, his family ended up homeless," Jackson told MSNBC's Campbell Brown. "Rome was a wealthy country that left Jesus and Mary and Joseph, in a sense, homeless," he complained. "He was born an at-risk baby."
Ohfergawdsake. They weren't "homeless," numnutz! The Holiday Inn was full. Are we going to hear this distortion year after year now?
The GOP-bashing Democrat said that while Bush's re-election campaign had been successful in "marketing the language of religious values," the Bush White House isn't practicing what it preaches. Jackson charged that under Bush's policies, the U.S. "appears to be indifferent toward the poor as we seek tax cuts and no-bid contracts for the wealthy; as we engage in wars of choice - driving our nation into isolation."
Obviously we have a little difference in definition here. But I guess Jesse has a hard time discussing morality with a straight face. How's the baby, Rev?
"Today we are celebrating the wealthy and war, not the poor and peace," he contended, while urging the Bush administration to "restore the Lyndon Baines Johnson vision where we wipe out poverty - not wipe out the poor."
Let's see, that would make him George Augustus Bush, and Jesse a Nubian slave.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2004-12-25