
Small Wars Journal: US and Them
If red scare propagandists in America didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any metrics at all. When jingoists criticize any real or imagined Kremlin transgression, the indictment reads "the Russians did/are this or that." When Arabs, Persians, or Muslims bomb, slaughter, or behead; there are few similar blanket condemnations by race or religion. Indeed, no matter how badly Islamists behave, the threat is universally characterized as "a few bad apples." Indeed, Mohamed’s religious lemmings have ethnic immunity. Muslims are now a race, a religion, and a protected species by acclamation.

Russophobia is politically correct, islamophobia is not. Blanket demonization of Russians is patriotic, blanket condemnations of Muslims is "racism."

The Benghazi fiasco provides the best example of foreign policy double think on Islam. When Libyan jihadists eradicated the American ambassador, consulate, and CIA annex in Libya, the villain put forward by the Obama White House, the Clinton State Department, and Brennan’s CIA was an American video maker.

In fact, Libyan jihadists attacked an amateur CIA gun running operation in Libya. The Agency and the State Department were using the Benghazi consulate ("annex") to collect and transship Kaddafi era weapons to CIA affiliated jihadists to other lost causes in the Levant. In effect, the North African jihad, cut the US gun running pipeline to the Levant jihad. John Brennan, while at CIA, would have you believe that ambassador Stevens and colleagues were killed by an American video or a spontaneous protest riot.

Brennan today still does not have any explanation for not sending help to his besieged CIA colleagues when help might have mattered. Kris Paranto, a former Army ranger who survived the Benghazi fight, accuses the Obama White House, the Clinton State Department, and the Brennan CIA of putting "politics before lives." For his candor, "Tanto" Paranto and his mates lost their CIA jobs - and their security clearances. Truth today is often just another suicide mission.

Paranto has, however, provided the answer to Hilary Clinton’s infamous Benghazi interrogative before Congress: "What difference does it make?"

When politicians lie, Mrs. Clinton, patriots die.

Alas, the American Intelligence Community has cultivated three tragic flaws since 9/11; too big and bureaucratic for warning, too timid and political for actionable analysis, and too incompetent to win anything but irrelevant pyrrhic victories, the bin Laden kill included.
More at the link.
Posted by: newc 2018-08-29