
Osama in Afghanistan: French paper
French daily Le Figaro says that after a long investigation by its reporters, it strongly believes that Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living in Afghanistan.
After a nine-month investigation, Rantburg believes Binny is living in Peshawar, in Fazlur Rehman's guest quarters. Or he could be in Lahore, at Hamid Gul's place. But it could be that Samiul Haq put him up for a while in Quetta, but then when he was able to get on his feet he moved out and got his own apartment. But it could be that he went to Chechnya — I don't think so, but it's possible. But Figaro could be right, too.
Renaud Girard cites sources in America as well as French intelligence to back up his claim that not only is Osama alive, also that he's living in Afghanistan. Renaud Girard attributes the localisation of Osama to retired Pakistan Army General Hamid Gul, the former head of ISI.
Oh, sure. Hamid's gonna come right out and say, "Yep. He's upstairs taking a nap right now!" isn't he? That might be why he said something like, "No, no! He's in, uh... Afghanistan. Yep. That's where he is, by golly..."
Gul, described by Le Figaro as "close to the Islamic movements," is quoted by Mr Girard as claiming that as far as he's concerned Osama bin Laden remained in Afghanistan after he disappeared from public view last November.
Hamid is "close to the Islamic movements" like brick is close to mortar.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-20