
‘New York Post’ Cover Mocks Trump-Bashing Meghan McCain as ‘The Meg’
[BREITBART] The New York Post mocked Meghan McCain as "The Meg" on its Sunday cover after she used the opportunity of her father’s funeral to attack President Trump.

"The Meg" is a reference to a plus-sized shark in the late-summer hit movie The Meg, starring Jason Staham.

The New York Post cover is just one part of a brewing backlash against McCain and the overall funeral service for Sen. John Maverick McCain
... the Senator-for-Life from Arizona, former presidential candidate and even more former foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution. As an ordinary citizen he greased the infamous hookers peeing on the Obamabed in Moscow dossier in an attempt to smear President Trump...
(R-AZ), which turned into an unseemly partisan rally Saturday with speakers like former Presidents Barack Obama
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and even George W. Bush trashing President Trump, who Sen. McCain refused to invite to his own funeral.

Also not invited was former Alaskan Governor Sarah Mama Grizzly Palin
... the babe libs love to hate ...
, John McCain’s unfailingly loyal 2008 vice presidential running mate.

What made Saturday’s shocking display all the more crass was that Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared were invited to the funeral and were forced to sit there and be humiliated, which might have been the plan. The McCains are infamous for holding petty grudges.

In an obvious shot at Trump, Meghan McCain used her eulogy to describe the death of her father as the passing of "American greatness. The real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served."

For good measure, she added, "The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great."

Obama was also not subtle. He ripped into those who traffic in "bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage."

Posted by: Fred 2018-09-04