
Oh My – Canadian Foreign Minister Left NAFTA Negotiations To Attend “President Trump is a Tyrant” Conference
[ConservativeTreehouse] Jumpin’ ju-ju bones. Hat Tip to Ezra Levant on Twitter ‐ This is going to go down in the history books of bad diplomacy. You have to watch the first 2 minutes of this video. Canadian Foreign Minister took leave during the middle of critically important trade negotiations with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to attend a Women in the World conference in Toronto.

Check out the conference introduction video (first 01:30) "Taking on the Tyrant", and the visual of Canadian trade negotiator on stage to deliver her remarks (next 30 seconds). Consider that Ms. Freeland made this decision during the most critical trade negotiations in her country’s modern history. The outcome of the U.S-Canada trade negotiation will determine the next several decades within the Canadian economy. Now Watch:

Think about the level of ideological tone-deafness here. This is simply off-the-charts echo-chamber crazy. Canada needs a positive trade outcome; their economy is already on the ropes; and Freeland considers this a good idea? Unreal.
Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2018-09-12