
Climate Yo-Yos Yammer and Yell About Trump
[American Greatness] Perhaps, in the Headline Hall of Fame, alongside "Headless body in topless bar," we can add a new entry to display for generations to come. This week a Washington Post editorial declared: "Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit."

The point was that hurricanes are caused or intensified by the man-made climate change that we’ve experienced in recent decades, and that Trump ignores that supposedly obvious fact, bringing about destruction. Never mind that, between Wilma in 2005 and Harvey in 2017, no major hurricane (Category 3 or higher) made landfall in the continental United States. That’s the longest such hiatus ever recorded.

Never mind that, according to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, 40 major hurricanes hit the United States in the 55-year period between 1906 and 1960. In the following 55 years, during the era of global warming, the number was 26. The number in the worst categories, Categories 4 and 5, fell from 12 to 5.

This week, California Governor Jerry Brown is hosting a conference of people involved in what’s called the Climate Resistance. As noted by the Washington Times, "The massive three-day bash hosted by Mr. Brown will feature top Democrats, liberal megadonors, Obama administration figures, international leaders, green energy, Silicon Valley, Hollywood celebrities, and Al Gore."

This follows state legislation signed by Brown requiring utilities to get all their electricity from "zero-carbon" sources by 2045. Massive expansions of hydropower and nuclear power are off the table, so that means relying mainly on intermittent sources like wind (which works only when the wind blows) and solar (which works only when the sun shines).

California officials claim the state currently gets about a third of its electricity from "renewable" sources. In June, the price of electricity in California was 65.3 percent higher than the national average. The difference would be greater except for the fact that some 41 other states have their own, smaller scams driving up electricity prices by requiring electricity consumers to buy expensive, unreliable wind and solar power.

Jerry Brown just wants to do to America and the world what he and his fellow environmentalists have already done to California.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-09-15