
In Pakland, 500 sex abuse charges 0 prosecutions
From Secularislam.org which should be one of your url favorites - if for no other reason than it is organized by Ibn Warraq.
Sex and the Madrasa
By Irfan Khawaja [a adjunct professor and active in Islamic apostate (murtad) circles]
They say that "sex sells," but I guess there's an exception to every rule, and evidently child rape in Pakistani madrasas is one of the exceptions... Despite at least 500 complaints of child sex abuse at Pakistani Muslim schools this year there has yet to be one successful prosecution.... The charges also give some perspective to Islamic fundamentalists' tedious habit of sermonizing at us about the supposed sexual dysfunctionality of "the West" and the superior moral virtue of "the Islamic East."
Posted by: mhw 2004-12-28