
Chief of CIA Analysis Unit Fired
The original Reuters headline states she is "stepping down." As the story finally discloses, she had no say in her departure, hence I changed it to be fired, a more accurate description.
The CIA's deputy director for intelligence is stepping down in the latest high-level departure in the shake-up under the U.S. spy agency's new management, a U.S. intelligence official said on Wednesday. "I can confirm that she did notify her workforce yesterday that she's leaving that position," said the official who spoke on condition of anonymity. No further details were provided. The New York Times reported on its Web site that Jami Miscik was forced out and would be the first major change within the directorate of intelligence under CIA director Porter Goss.

The top two officials at the CIA's clandestine unit resigned in November. Goss took over in September with a mandate to reform the agency, which has been under fire for intelligence failures related to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and flawed prewar reports about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Citing a former intelligence official, The New York Times said Miscik was told before Christmas that Goss wanted to make a change and that "the decision to depart was not hers." The CIA had no immediate comment.

The New York Times said Miscik told subordinates in a message on Tuesday that she plans to step down on Feb. 4. The report said in a copy of the message obtained by the newspaper, Miscik described her departure as part of a "natural evolution" and that every intelligence chief "has a desire to have his own team in place to implement his vision and to offer him counsel." Miscik has headed the Central Intelligence Agency's analytical branch since 2002, the newspaper said. The unit is responsible for making important judgments about events around the world and prepares a highly classified brief for the president each morning, the newspaper said.
Goss seems to be taking his time with these people - so one must assume that means some lengthy interviews and reviews to account for the time. It appears he has decided upon the route of surgeon, carefully cutting away dead tissue and tumors, whereas I (and others) had hoped for a more, um, vigorous approach.
Posted by: .com 2004-12-29