
NorKs Demand Pony Apology From SKors
North Korea blamed South Korea on Tuesday for a stall in the dialogue between the two countries and demanded an apology. In a lengthy report, the North's Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland cited a mass defection of North Koreans to the capitalist South earlier this year — and a joint military exercise the South held with the United States — as "anti-reunification acts."
"Stop those siren songs!"
Cabinet-level talks between the two Koreas were canceled in August after about 460 North Koreans arrived by plane in South Korea in an operation shrouded in secrecy. North Korea repeatedly has called it a "kidnapping."

"Due to all the wrong acts of the South Korean authorities, multichannel dialogues and contacts including the ministerial talks have stopped and the inter-Korean relations frozen, and the situation of the Korean Peninsula is rushing headlong to an acute confrontation and strain," the secretariat said in a statement carried by KCNA, the North's official news agency. On Tuesday, North Korea also urged South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun's administration to "admit its two-year course of acts against reunification and apologize to the nation at an early date in whatever form and way considered suitable"...
I checked KCNA in hopes of finding a good spew since face is involved in apologies - but the cupboard was bare.
Posted by: .com 2004-12-29