
Abbas: "Tear down this wall...or else."
Taking his campaign to succeed Yasser Arafat to the foot of Israel's West Bank barrier, interim Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday there would be no peace until Israel tore it down. Abbas, demonstrating a new knack for popular politicking after decades as a reticent deputy to Arafat, drew cheers from thousands at stops in two cities hemmed in by Israel's barrier in his pursuit of election on Jan. 9 as Palestinian president. "No (Middle East) peace can transpire with (Jewish) settlements and the wall," Abbas said with his back to the towering concrete divide that virtually encircles the town of Qalqilya near the West Bank's boundary with Israel. "We tell our neighbors: 'No matter how many settlements, walls or obstacles you build, it will not bring you security or peace," said the veteran moderate who wants talks on Palestinian statehood on Israeli-occupied land after years of fighting.
Again, I'm gabberflasted at Rooters' matter-of-fact description of Abbas as a "veteran moderate" as he threatens more bloodshed. I'd hate to see what an extemist might say...

Posted by: Seafarious 2004-12-29