
Minnesota: Somalis Riot at Amusement Park, Forcing Evacuation
[CreepingShariah] On Saturday September 22, 2018 at the ValleyFair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota, police and emergency responders had to evacuate all guests after a mob of Somali teenagers and men rushed through security and caused several violent fights to break out inside the park.

According to eyewitnesses who were at the park to celebrate Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, a group of nearly 100 Somali men mob rushed past security and amusement park staffers at the front entrance, and proceeded to run through the park and instigate fights among themselves and with guests.

As several violent fights broke out, guests began to panic as reports of people being stabbed and shot began to circulate.

Cliff Hallberg, who was inside the park with his children at the time the fights broke out said it was very frightening for his children. "I saw about 60 Somali teenagers push their way through lines and scream at guests."

Hallberg said tickets to the ValleyScare Halloween themed amusement park are usually expensive, which is why he attended on LEO appreciation day, as he himself is a member of law enforcement and received discounted tickets.

"I’ll take my kids back to ValleyFair someday when I can afford it. I’m just glad I got my kids out safely," Hallberg said.

The violent fights erupted during Law enforcement appreciation day when the park was full of police officers and other members of law enforcement who received discounted tickets so that their families could enjoy the amusement park. An estimated 263 police officers responded to the fights inside the park, according to witnesses.

"This looked like a targeted attack on law enforcement," Hallberg added.

Hallberg also told Big League Politics that his car was spit on and that the rioters were setting off car alarms and causing chaos in the parking lot, all of which can be seen in video that was exclusively obtained by this reporter.

In the video, a woman who was evacuated and filming from inside her car can be heard saying, "Oh my god! We are never going to make it out of here."

The spokesperson for the park also never disclosed that a police K-9 unit was called to the scene, ambulances and firetrucks responded, and a police helicopter was ordered to fly above the park as people were being evacuated, all of which was caught on video.

A Facebook post posted by one of the ValleyFair attendees noted,

"Just left ValleyFair. Several Somalians fighting, knocking over Halloween props, knocking people over Halloween props, knocking people over terrorizing young children. ValleyFair shut down. Somalians pushing kids over. Running from police in the parking lot in circles. I stood in front of about 15 lost and terrified young children until their parents could find them."

According to eyewitnesses and police officers who wish to remain anonymous, they believe the media is covering up the fact that the violent rioters were Somali men because the media and police don’t want to offend the Muslim Somali population or influence the upcoming election.

Officers in Minnesota have told this reporter that they are often told to avoid using the word Somali when discussing crimes committed by members of the Somali population because police and local Democrats have asked them to "stand down" in an effort to create positive community relations between Minnesota natives and the continually increasing Muslim Somali "refugee" population.

In the United States, Minnesota is the state with the largest Somali population.

On Tuesday, it was reported that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison( D-MN), who is currently embattled in a domestic violence scandal and running for Minnesota Attorney General, is leading an effort to force President Trump to accept and permanently resettle nearly 110,000 more Muslim "refugees" in Minnesota, most of which will be from Somalia.

Peggy Tierney, a Minnesota native, posted on her Facebook about the incident:

"I also have video of the Somali boys in the parking lot. This explains why the media and police are covering it up. They can’t have a negative narrative against the Somali community before midterms when Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar, Mohamud Noor, and Hodan Hassan are running for office in Minnesota."

The Minnesota election is November 6, 2018.

Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2018-10-02