
Bill O'Reilly: Analyzing Ford And Kav's Testimonies Start to Finish (video)
[Real Clear Politics] Bill O'Reilly breaks down the latest Kavanaugh Hearing; discussing both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's and Brett Kavanaugh's testimonies.

O'Reilly delivers his message of the day:

Somebody is lying. Either Judge Kavanaugh committed heinous acts or his accusers are bearing false witness against him. No in-between.

I don’t know what occurred. I do know that a young woman attending ten parties where gang-rapes are happening has some explaining to do. Why would any decent human being go to parties like that? Ten times? Come on.

The woman who says that happened has a dubious past, and it is coming out.

My instinct is that the accusations against Kavanaugh will fall apart. If that happens, the Democratic Party will be in deep trouble. Senators Schumer, Feinstein, Blumenthal, and others have all convicted Kavanaugh. I have not seen one elected Democrat call for due process. Not one.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-10-02