
The U.S. knew about the tsunami
Somehow, I just knew it would turn out to be all our fault...
International ocean monitors predicted that a tsunami would likely follow the deadly earthquake that hit the Indian Ocean on Sunday. But they didn't know who to inform. "We put out a bulletin within 20 minutes, technically as fast as we could do it," said Jeff LaDouce, an official in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. LaDouce noted that they e-mailed Indonesian officials, but said that he wasn't aware what happened after they sent the e-mails.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center is an international system of monitoring stations stationed in Hawaii. It monitors the Pacific and warn nearby countries of any expected disasters. But the problem with Sunday's deadly earthquake is that the Indian Ocean isn't guarded by such systems. The Atlantic Ocean isn't monitored because there are comparatively few earthquakes there. LaDouce said that there are plans to establish a warning system in the Caribbean after a volcanic collapse on the island of Montserrat resulted in a tsunami last year.
Posted by: Fred 2004-12-30