
Brace Yourself: Here are the top five national security threats to America
[Washington Examiner] The national security threats against the United States have changed dramatically even in the past two years, according to senior Trump administration officials.

Whereas homeland security and federal investigators used to focus on fighting terrorism abroad, FBI and Department of Homeland Security leaders told the Senate Wednesday that the fight has come home because the threats are now stateside as well as in cyberspace.

The top five areas of concern that keep senior officials awake at night fall into the categories of critical infrastructure, cybersecurity, terrorism, border security, and drones. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are the countries with both the intent and capability to attack the U.S. in cyberspace.

"After 9/11, our strategy was to take the fight to enemies abroad so we did not have to fight them here at home," DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. "Unfortunately, that is no longer the world we live in. Our enemies do not respect borders are not constrained by geography. Today’s threats exist in a borderless ‐ and increasingly digital ‐ world."

Today, the federal government’s biggest concerns are attacks on critical infrastructure, hacks into America’s private and public cyberspaces, and gaps in America’s physical borders. The issue of foreign and domestic terrorist attacks remain significant but a growing threat is the use of drones to surveil law enforcement and smuggle contraband.

Terrorists and nation-states could attack the U.S. through its critical infrastructure: banks, energy, telecommunications, and other industries. By disabling America’s power grid or shutting down financial institutions, business would be suspended and communication networks shut down.

Posted by: Besoeker 2018-10-11