
Soyuz to ISS carrying a US and Russian Astronaut has 2nd Stage Blow Up!

Folks, I am too pro-Spacex so filter my rage against NASA Shelby and Company as you please.

Today Soyuz with a US and Russian astronaut blew the hell up this AM AND NASA pushed SpaceX's manned capsule, already at the cape back 9 months, for NASA paperwork reasons.

Like the SOBs would rather launch astronauts on exploding USSR crap than use the SpaceX or Boeing capsules!

I even heard the argument that SpaceX has only done a few launches. It's done 68 flights and will pass the Atlas 5 (Lockheed/ULA) total count this year. It's a tested rocket and one with a first stage brought home safely 30 time to inspect and sometimes reuse. Nobody else on the planet has that knowledge of their first stages.
SpaceX Statistics if you don't believe me here

Oh and the fricking air-force just gave development contracts to ULA, ATK and Blue Origin totally ignoring SpaceX (cheap and works).
The whole Space Part of the US government including Sen Shelby needs an enema!

Posted by: 3dc 2018-10-11