
Bride killed during wedding
[DAWN] ATTOCK: A woman was shot and killed during her wedding on Wednesday, allegedly by a man she had refused to marry.

The victim, identified as Uzma Bibi, was engaged to her cousin Bilal Ahmed, her mother Shehnaz Bibi said.

Uzma and her family were at her in-laws’ house in Golra for the mehndi ceremony when she was shot by a man with a 9mm pistol, who said he was taking Dire Revenge for her refusal to marry him.

Uzma was shot in the right shoulder from behind, and the shooter told bystanders that he would also shoot them if they tried to attend to her. The suspect then escaped with the pistol, and the victim bled to death.

Attock Saddar police have started the paperwork but haven't done much else against the suspect under section 302 of the Pakistain Penal Code.

Posted by: Fred 2018-10-13