
Of Course The Liberal Mob Is Real
[Townhall] There are few things that get liberals riled up like exposing them for exactly who and what they are. They hate it, almost as much as they hate people who don’t fall in lockstep with their every demand. So when President Trump started talking about the "mob" liberals have become, "journalists" leapt to their defense, naturally. But there is no defense from the truth; no matter how earnestly a CNN or MSNBC personality insists the Sun rises in the west, that doesn’t make it so. The Democratic Party is the party of the mob.

...The spirit of the mob in inherent in the left, what they want requires something from others ‐ either their money or obedience, and often times both. But the realities of life tended to keep this instinct in check outside the ballot box. Then millennials entered the scene.

A generation raised on unearned self-esteem has spent their college years destroying the governor that most people solidify in childhood controlling their worst impulses. Temper tantrums in the quad and shouting down speakers who might say something they don’t like were rewarded with success for four years, it’s only natural they’d maintain that mentality in adulthood. Add in funding ‐ both in salaries and bail money ‐ and you have an army of social justice warriors with an inflated sense of entitlement and a willingness to shoulder aside accepted norms.

...Expect the mob to continue to rage, well-funded and emboldened by the passive encouragement from their leaders. But a word of warning, if you are vocal with your politics you should keep your head on a swivel. Any child lacking discipline will inevitably test boundaries and cross lines, but a child is one person and will eventually tire. A mob feeds off itself, off its members, and people in a group will go much further than any of them would alone. In other words, no matter how insistent the likes of Don Lemon Brooke Baldwin are that they don’t exist, the mob is here for the foreseeable future. And it’s only going to get worse.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2018-10-14