
After Taylor Swift Endorsement, Tennessee Democrat Bredesen Drops 14 Points in Polls
[THEGATEWAYPUNDIT] Singer Taylor Swift endorsed Democrat Phil Bredesen on October 8th in the Tennessee Senate race. Swift also smeared Marsha Blackburn with far left nonsense.

But unfortunately Bredesen’s campaign has collapsed since the endorsement.

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas caught Bredesen campaign staffers admitting that he has been deceiving voters and attempting to appear more moderate than he actually is.

Bredesen, who was recently endorsed by Taylor Swift, has infamously claimed that he would have voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh ‐ but his campaign says it is just a vote grab.

Since then his campaign fell down 14 points to Marsha Blackburn.

Posted by: Fred 2018-10-15