
Martha McSally Demands Kyrsten Sinema Apologize To Vets For Saying She Doesn’t Care If Americans Want To Join The Taliban
[DAILYCALLER] Republican Rep. Martha McSally criticized her Democratic challenger Rep. Kyrsten Sinema during the Arizona Senate debate on Monday for saying she doesn’t care if Americans want to fight for the Taliban
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"CNN reported that in 2003, while [Sinema] was on the radio, [she] said it was okay for Americans to join the Taliban to fight against us," McSally said. "You said you had no problem with that!"

McSally’s comment was in reference to audio that surfaced while Sinema was on a radio show with a libertarian activist.

"As an individual, if I want to go fight in the Taliban army, I go over there and I’m fighting for the Taliban. I’m saying that’s a personal decision," the host said in the interview.

"Fine," Sinema responded. "I don’t care if you want to do that, go ahead."
Posted by: Fred 2018-10-17