
The Second Caravan Sealed the Democrats' Fate
[American Thinker] The herald of middle-American radicalism, Samuel Francis, famously described America's two parties as the evil party and the stupid party. Under our secular savior, Donald Trump, the political division in America is changing: there is no more stupid party, and the evil party is consuming itself. Vilfredo Pareto's classification of political elites as "Foxes and Lions" ‐ the quick and cunning versus the strong and stalwart ‐ now largely describes our two parties. The pure foxes among Republicans have mostly been silenced or have left the party; it now consists mainly of a protective pride of lions led by a dominant male more cunning than any fox. The Democrats' elites consist almost exclusively of foxes, and they are beset by a spreading plague of rabies.

Just in time to drive this division home with a sledgehammer and a ten-inch nail, the border crisis has exploded into America's consciousness.

On the heels of the now 14,000-strong human wave set to flood across our southern border in the coming weeks is another human army ‐ and then another, and likely many more. Faced with the prospect of paying human-smugglers $5,000-$10,000 to transport them to the American border, poor residents of Central American countries have come to realize that mass migrations are safer and cheaper. The invaders know they have allies on this side of our border. Most Democrat lawmakers remain silent; they are not proposing a solution because they don't see the invasion as a problem ‐ to them, it is a feature of our immigration laws, not a bug. Racialism is the new creed and currency of the left, so anything that swells the numbers of minorities in the United States is assumed by Democrat leaders to be a net benefit to the Democratic Party. With the advent of invading armies, the democrats could not be more mistaken.

First, notice what was not said as the army approached Mexico and Mexican authorities pledged to prevent it from entering their country. Whether this was possible was an open question ‐ but what was never questioned was the right of Mexico to stop them. Every leftist in Congress and in corporate media silently affirmed the right of the Mexican government to stop the army. The Democrats' immigration message is finally crystal-clear: other nations have a right to control their borders, but we do not, even in the face of foreign invasion. That is a politically untenable position.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-10-26