
Evidence not required for media to link Trump to suspicious package bombs
[Wash Examiner] Breaking: Left-wing journalists claim, without evidence, that the suspicious package deliveries this week are directly linked to President Trump.

Journalists and TV anchors think themselves principled and virtuous by taking every opportunity to note when Trump makes an assertion "without evidence."

And yet, their devotion to evidence was nowhere to be found all week when they made explicit connections between Trump’s midterm campaign rhetoric to the strange devices that ended up at the homes and offices of high-profile Democrats, Trump critics, and CNN’s New York headquarters.

CNN on Thursday called the package recipients "Trump’s targets."

Wait, are they "Trump’s targets," or are they Trump’s critics?

That’s the difference between a person who Trump singled out and a person who singled out Trump, like when Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., to whom two of the packages were addressed, said that liberals should publicly "harass" administration officials.

Posted by: Besoeker 2018-10-27