
Forget Khashoggi, Where Were Our Elites When Obama Assassinated American Citizens?
[Townhall] In the wake of Trump’s announcement this week that his administration would continue to "stand with Saudi Arabia" despite the recent murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, America’s mainstream media elites erupted in their usual paroxysms of despair and condemnation of the president. Although this time the typical "orange man bad" stories tended to omit calls for Trump to be immediately overthrown by the military or his own cabinet, almost every other major trope was preponderant.

This was especially true of Khashoggi’s former place of employment at the Post, where journalists almost universally portrayed Trump as having blood on his hands for his refusal to directly take action against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, now widely believed to have ordered Khashoggi’s murder.

Among the most vituperative critics of Trump in this regard was Post global opinions editor Karen Attiah, Khashoggi’s editor and self-described friend. In a column published on Tuesday entitled "Trump’s Defense of Khashoggi’s Saudi Murderers Will Stain Him (and America) Forever," Attiah told her readers that [emphasis mine]:
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-11-26