
Congress Can No Longer Use Taxpayer Dollars To Settle Their Sexual Harassment Problems
h/t Instapundit
[Redstate] One of the more ridiculous things our taxpayer dollars were used for is taking the financial burden off of politicians who were caught sexually harassing others, essentially making us foot the bill for the Washington elite’s inability to engage with others with common decency.

No longer, however, thanks to a bipartisan bill that unanimously made its way through the Congress and Senate and will shortly appear on President Donald Trump’s desk for signing.

"Time is finally up for members of Congress who think that they can sexually harass and get away with it. They will no longer be able to slink away with no one knowing that they have harassed. ... They will pay back the U.S. Treasury," the bill’s sponsor Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) said on Thursday according to Reuters.
The way things work around DC, I expect to read that Jackie is accused of Sexual Harassment, any day now
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2018-12-20