
Thieves Take Coffeemaker - Leave New Citroens
German detectives are hunting thieves who broke into a car showroom and stole only the coffee machine.
Very focused. Prolly needed a fix.
Dozens of brand new Citroen cars were parked in the showroom in Bonn and the keys were on the wall.
This is too easy.
But the thieves ignored all the new motors, and instead unplugged and made off with the coffee machine.
Since this was in Bonn, ya think it was a Bunn? Ooooh, prolly a 2-burner model. No wonder.
Bonn police spokesman Robert Scholten said: "The coffee machine was a pretty good one but not worth as much as a new car.
Oh yeah? How're they selling?
"Staff only discovered the theft when they went to make a drink in the kitchen and realised the machine was missing."
And there you have it. No fix for youze guyz this morning, heh.
The showroom which was owned by the Citroen main dealer in Bonn is on the main street. Police so far have no clues as to the identity of the culprits.
Not so dumb, eh? Tip: Look for jittery people with bloodshot eyes - driving something other than a Citroen.
Posted by: .com 2005-01-06