
A rare glimpse at the real James Comey
[WND] Growing up in suburban Washington, D.C., during the 1950s and early ’60s, my family would often drive into our nation’s magnificent, shining, marble-hewn capital city, where my dad worked as an aeronautical engineer for the Defense Department, and we’d visit all the storied monuments and federal edifices from the White House to the Capitol to the FBI’s headquarters. Even while in elementary school, I remember reading little biographical books about the exploits of the FBI and Secret Service.

These people were my heroes.

That’s why it caused me such profound sadness to watch former FBI director James Comey bragging publicly ‐ to gales of audience laughter ‐ about how he tricked, entrapped and ultimately ruined the life of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a 33-year military veteran, former Defense Intelligence Agency director and, briefly, a Trump adviser.

For a moment, put aside all the other moving parts of the Flynn story, including most recently the beyond-bizarre sentencing hearing before Judge Emmet Sullivan. Let’s just zoom in on one thing ‐ Comey’s comments in his MSNBC interview with Nicole Wallace ‐ because they reveal a whole dimension of the never-ending Mueller drama that is normally hidden from view.

Comey was interviewed in front of a live audience. You can see the relevant excerpts by watching the first 30 seconds of this video.

The fired ex-FBI director openly boasted about how, in January 2017, he took advantage of the brand-new, still-forming Trump administration and intentionally violated all the usual standards and protocols in arranging an ambush meeting by two FBI agents of a too-trusting Gen. Flynn. Then-FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe played his part in setting-up Flynn by phoning the general, all buddy-buddy, and explicitly advising him not to bother bringing an attorney. As everyone now knows, Flynn followed this malevolently misleading "advice," which has led directly to his personal, professional and financial destruction.

Even though, by all accounts, the two FBI agents interviewing Flynn at the White House did not believe he had lied, Mueller ultimately decided to put the big squeeze on Flynn ‐ in an effort to get to his real target, President Donald Trump ‐ as he has done with so many other people whose broken lives are now casualties of the ever-metastasizing investigation.

During the MSNBC interview, Wallace, wondering aloud how on earth FBI agents could just stroll into the White House and grill a senior staffer there, asks Comey: "It’s hard to imagine two FBI agents ending up in the State Room. How did that happen?"

Posted by: Besoeker 2018-12-25