
Mychal Massie: Today's Baby-Killers Make Herod Look Amateurish
[WND] I was thinking about Christmas, but I wasn’t thinking about toys and family gatherings. I was thinking about death and the absence of conscience.

I was thinking about this as I studied the numbers on the U.S. Abortion Clock. (See: www.numberofabortions.com.) As I sat studying the numbers of babies being murdered in real time, I wondered what it could possibly be like in homes where women had just murdered their unborn babies.

Was there joy, sadness, a sense of loss, was there shame and remorse? Worldwide since 1980, there have been 1.5 billion babies murdered, according to the real-time abortion clock. In America alone since Roe v. Wade, the 1973 infamous baby-killing ruling, went into effect, 61 million children have been murdered by abortion.

As I sat writing this commentary Saturday evening, Dec. 22, at 7:40 p.m. Eastern time, there had been 89,901 babies murdered worldwide on this day alone. This year so far, on this same date and time, there have been nearly 905,000 babies murdered by their mothers in the United States.

The murder of children is a society’s final step before completely sliding into the abyss of conscienceless abandon. When a people cease to be concerned about the lives of the most innocent and vulnerable persons on earth, said culture is not long for existence.

Posted by: Besoeker 2018-12-25