
Top Zarqawi ally nabbed
American forces have announced the arrest of a key member of an al-Qaeda-linked group in Iraq. The man, known as Abu Ahmed, was captured last month. His group is said to be closely allied with that of militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The US military says Abu Ahmed had been conducting and co-ordinating terrorist operations in the Iraqi city of Mosul. The US has been focusing on Iraq's third largest city since it completed its offensive in Falluja last November. The US is hailing the capture of Abdul Aziz Saadun Ahmed Hamduni, known as Abu Ahmed, together with that of other members of the same group, as a sign of what it calls significant progress in the inevitable destruction of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's terrorist network in Mosul.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2005-01-08