
Dem Congresswoman Commits Cardinal Progressive Sin: I'm Not Offended By The Concept Of Corporate PAC Money
[Townhall] It seems the newest members of Congress in the House Democratic Caucus are off to a banging start...by saying and voting for bills that are considered anathema to the progressive base. Yesterday, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), who booted incumbent Republican David Brat in 2018, brought up campaign finance yesterday at the National Press Club. Reversing Citizens United is one of the many issues that jack up the progressive Left. At the event, Spanberger brought up Virginia’s campaign finance laws, the remarks voters said to her about corporate PAC money, and what her mother told her every time she got into trouble for whatever her younger sisters had done.

When she tried to explain, her mother would say, "her perception is her reality." She circled that back to the long-standing feeling that there’s a lack of trust in government.

"When a voter believes that a $5,000 check is enough to vote in a way that is somehow against their interest, I don’t think that’s true in many cases, but if that’s their perception, that goes back to this whole conversation about trust," she said. "And for me to say, you know, I want to sit down with this company, I’m going to sit down with this company, I’m going to maybe vote in a way that this voter may not like, but you will know that I didn’t do it because of a campaign contribution."

Oh, I forgot, she isn’t offended by the concept of corporate PAC money existing. Spanberger added that her refusal to accept such money isn’t anti-business, but a way for her to speak with any company that could potentially create economic activity in her district. It sounds nice. It’s certainly tailored to the moderate Richmond suburbs that are within her district, but as a liberal Democrat, you have to be offended by corporate PAC money. It’s in their ten commandments.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-01-11