
The Rise And Fall Of The New World Order
[News With Views] Proof of this is that, contrary to all predictions and despite the concerted efforts of both sides of the Repucratic Party coin, the mainstream press, the social media, the FBI, the CIA and the rest of the alphabet soup of shadow agencies, as well as some active and retired high-ranking members of the military who have betrayed their Oath of Office[1], Donald Trump is still alive and kicking in the White House. Moreover, every single day President Trump keeps deconstructing the NWO machinery piece by piece: no more global warming threat, no more unfair global trade agreements, no more borders open to illegal immigration ... the works.

To top it off, Trump just took the first step to bring home the best of our youth exposed to loss of life and limb while waging unwinable, never-ending wars carried out in foreign lands for the sole purpose of benefiting a few tax-dodging transnational corporations that don’t see themselves as American anymore.

And this is just the beginning, and the NWO conspirators and their minions know it and they are powerless to stop it.

To make things worse, Trump is not alone. To the globalist conspirators’ utter dismay, nationalism is coming back in force and growing in most of the world. The yellow vest riots that erupted in France now have spread to Belgium and the Netherlands. Even in Londonistan, until recently an inexpugnable reduct of the globalist conspirators, some people wearing yellow vests have appeared on the streets in protest against the government’s unfair treatment of the working class and its inaction when faced with the attacks of religious fanatics on people they see as infidels.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-01-11