
Powell Puts Sudan on Notice Over Darfur
After signing an accord that ends the long-running civil war in Sudan's south, the United States expects immediate progress on the crisis in the western region of Darfur, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday. He put Sudan's government on notice the prospect of good relations with the United States depends on halting the violence in Darfur.
"We're workin' on it, but we've still got some black fellows left we gotta bump off..."
"These new 'partners for peace' must work together immediately to end the violence and the atrocities that continue to occur in Darfur. Not next month or in the interim period but right away, starting today," said the secretary, who signed on as a witness at the ceremony concluding an eight-year process to halt the war in the south. The United States and other countries "expect the new partners to use all necessary means to stop the violence and we expect to see rapid negotiations on the crisis in Darfur," Powell said at the ceremony.
Posted by: Fred 2005-01-10