
Infanticide Abortion May Be Only the Beginning
[American Thinker] I have two explanations for this push for legalized infanticide. One is economic, and the other is a stepping stone.

A small group of people account for significant medical spending. Specifically, "30% of all Medicare expenditures are attributed to the 5% of beneficiaries that die each year, with 1/3 of that cost occurring in the last month of life." Imagine being able to cut these costs from the budget!
Free gov't provided human composting for those who 'opt out' of last month.
It's actually on both ends of the spectrum: newborns with serious health problems and the elderly with their own health needs. In my world, patients with macular degeneration in both eyes requiring a monthly injection of medication costing $2,000 can cost Medicare $50,000 per year. That's just for their retina condition. They may have heart or respiratory problems, too, requiring expensive medications and hospitalizations.

These individuals, and many more including the disabled, are collecting Social Security each month and not working, not paying into the system. They are only an expense for the ruling class, whose members believe that the federal treasury is theirs to spend as they deem.
Damn those people that payed into the system for 55-65 years and now have the audacity to expect a taxed monthly stipend.
Children may be born with Down syndrome or other genetic disorders, spina bifida, clubfoot, and other infirmities that are costly to manage. How much money could be saved and put toward government-paid preschool for healthy kids who need little more than an annual physical and vaccinations?

If only these expensive patients went away, there would be more money available to fund a single-payer system, which would otherwise be unaffordable, as currently proposed by Bernie Sanders and others. What if that's the next step?
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-02-05