
James Comey: 'Zero chance' Hillary Clinton gets prosecuted for her emails
[Washington Insider] Former FBI Director James Comey said Monday there is "zero chance" Hillary Clinton will be prosecuted for her emails.

"There is zero chance, zero chance, on the facts in the Hillary Clinton case, that she would be prosecuted," Comey said during a town hall lecture in Sarasota, Fla. "You are out of your mind if you don't think the FBI wanted to make a case if we could. The facts weren't there. Period. Full stop."

As FBI director, Comey oversaw his agency's inquiry into the unauthorized email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state.

In a stunning public admission in July 2016, Comey announced his agency would not recommend criminal charges against anyone involved with Clinton's private email network, even after finding that Clinton's team was "extremely careless" in handling classified emails.
"Anyone"...which could refer to Bath House Barry, John Brennan, Maverick, and selected others.

Emphasis added.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-02-05