
Musharraf suspect flees custody
An alleged militant accused of trying to assassinate Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has escaped from custody, the authorities say. Mushtaq Ahmed was being held by air force police in the city of Rawalpindi. Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said he was a key suspect in the failed attempt on the president's life on 14 December 2003. The president survived two attacks within days of each other, both on the road between Rawalpindi and Islamabad. He has been a target for Islamic militants since joining the US-led "war on terror" following the attacks of 11 September, 2001. The authorities accuse Mushtaq Ahmed of belonging to the banned militant group, Jaish-e-Mohammed. "This criminal escaped from custody and we hope that we will arrest him. He was a key figure in the 14 December, 2003 attack on President Musharraf," Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told the AFP news agency. It is not clear how or when Mushtaq Ahmed escaped and the government gave no details. Some reports say he has been on the run since November.
Old news??
Had it the other day. Beebles prob'ly got it from Daily Times, just like we did, only they don't type as fast...

Posted by: Howard UK 2005-01-11