
Double attack in Syrian city of Idlib leaves at least 24 dead
[ELUNIVERSAL] At least 24 people, including 16 civilians, died Monday in a double attack in the city of Idlib, dominated by the jihadist organization Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS), in north-western Syria, the Syrian Observatory said. Human Rights (OSDH).

Among the 24 people killed there are four children, according to the latest balance provided by the director of the OSDH, Rami Abdel Rahmane. Four fighters also died in the explosions , AFP reported.

HTS, an alliance dominated by the former Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, controls the Idlib region, where rebels and dormant cells of the self-styled jihadist Islamic State (ISIS) group are also present.

For the moment no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which left at least 51 injured , according to the latest balance of the OSDH.

First a concealed bomb exploded under a car in Idlib, the OSDH said.

Then, "when people gathered in the place and the ambulances arrived," a motorcycle bomb exploded, he added.

In the first assessment, OSDH director Rami Abdel Rahman had indicated that among the victims 10 were civilians.

The attack took place in a street where the local council is administered by the "Salvation Government", the institution that the HTS created to govern the province, he explained.

The province of Idlib passed under the control of HTS on January 11, after fighting that lasted several days against a rebel alliance.

On Saturday, the OSDH reported that 18 civilians, including eight children, were killed in bombings carried out by the Syrian government's artillery.

Posted by: Fred 2019-02-19