
FBI detains man linked to 9/11 hijackers
Federal authorities have detained a Jordanian they believe was a roommate of at least two of the Sept. 11 hijackers after a raid at a Southeast Baltimore home. Rasmi Al-Shannaq was taken into custody early Monday, apparently for overstaying his visa. He is believed to have lived last year with two of the hijackers who were on board American Airlines Flight 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon. Neighbors described a swift raid about 6 a.m. Monday in which dozens of federal agents arrived at the house looking for Al-Shannaq. When he arrived about noon, the agents swarmed the blue Honda Civic Al-Shannaq was driving as he pulled up to the curb. Al-Shannaq tried to get away by driving down the narrow, one-way street, neighbors said, but was blocked by a van. "They were all over the place," [neighbor] Cheryl Seebach said of the federal agents. The 20 to 30 agents appeared to have been waiting on the block unnoticed until the raid. "I couldn't even tell they were FBI," she said.
Nice to know they're still rounding them up. The ACLU wieners will probably be out in force to defend this guy, but most people don't room with someone they don't at least know, and most room with their buddies. The Starsky & Hutch car chase thing doesn't help his case, either.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-26