
Rappers face court for Hirsi Ali threats
The public prosecutor has asked a court to impose a 150-hour work order on the rap group DHC (Den Haag Connection) for allegedly threatening the life of MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The court in The Hague was also asked on Thursday to impose a four-month suspended sentence on the rappers. In a dis — a rap song written to criticise a person — DHC sang about wanting to break the Somali-born MP's neck. The number also suggested an assassination was being prepared in which she would be killed by a bomb attack. Hirsi Ali has been in hiding since filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdam last November. Van Gogh and Hirsi Ali collaborated on the short film "Submission" that accused the Koran of sanctioning violence against women. A Dutch-Moroccan was arrested for killing Van Gogh. A letter pinned on the director's body threatened Hirsi Ali and other politicians and warned they would be killed next if they didn't stop criticising the Islam faith.
Posted by: tipper 2005-01-14