
burqa babes get muslims hot and bothered
A Burkha-wearing babe baring her breasts on the cover of a Polish magazine has ignited a culture mini-war in Brooklyn.
"Wladislaw! Look! Honkersz!"
"Holy przbliecnie!"
Outraged by what they call an insult to Islam, Yemeni newspaper vendors in Greenpoint are seething refusing to sell the latest edition of Forum magazine. Some have painted big black X's over the exposed flesh and are threatening to boycott the popular Polish-language weekly. "The cover is no good," said Abdul al-Fatah, 30, at Greenpoint Variety Candy & Grocery on Manhattan Ave. "They show something bad about Islam, an Islamic woman naked. We feel angry about it."
"Proper Islamic wimmin don't have honkersz!"
Abdo Quhshi, 48, owner of the nearby Garden Stone grocery, said a Polish customer translated the cover story for him and he was deeply offended. "Saying about my Prophet Muhammed that he loved women, you don't have to say that," he said.
Hokey, then. His true love was little boyz, sheep, and the occasional melon...
But angry Poles said Forum is a respected newsmagazine - and some Yemenis have no qualms about peddling Hustler and Penthouse. "Many American magazines are worse than this," said Emily Branska, 22, of Ridgewood, Queens.
"Yeah! Where's the nekkid wimmin with their ankles behind their ears?"
"They said it's haram - that means something bad," added Kasia Illyas, 22, a Polish immigrant married to a Muslim. "They don't even understand what it's about."
They do know honkersz when they see 'em, though...
The topless temptress is superimposed onto a photo of covered Muslim women beneath the headline "Extremists in the Harem." Inside, there's a photograph of another woman, sitting in the buff amid white-clad female pilgrims in Mecca.
"Hey, Fatimah! Nice buff you got there!"
Forum ran them to accompany an article about sex and Islam by Dutch writer Hafid Bouazza, who claims the religion has been hijacked by "frustrated fanatics" who get their kicks from terror.
... and these guys proved his point.
Waldemar Piasecki, New York correspondent for the Warsaw-based weekly Przeglad, said he is "puzzled" by Forum's choice of cover art. "This is a serious magazine that has offered Poles a window on the world for more than 40 years," he said. "In all that time, I can't recall a naked woman on the cover."
Bartender! Milk for everyone!

Posted by: muck4doo 2005-01-14