
Militants vow to fight if Abu Mazen attempts crackdown
Palestinian militants are sharpening their swords for all-out war against new leader Mahmoud Abbas should he translate his condemnation of the armed uprising into a clampdown on anti-Israeli attacks.
Same old load of manure. Unplug the peace processor and get on with cleaning them out. Forget the idea of a state — they don't want one.
Abbas is to meet with Hamas and Islamic Jihad today in hopes of winning their agreement for a ceasefire with Israel — a move both groups have said they oppose. Hardened fighters who weave through life eluding Israeli assassination or capture, say they are prepared to work with Abbas after his swearing in, but not if he turns into a lapdog of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. "We will kill fight him if he even so much as thinks about fighting against the resistance and helping Sharon," said Abu Hafsa, a leader in the armed wing of the Islamist group Hamas, sheltering in a Gaza safe house. The battle lines were drawn up when long-time moderate Abbas used his election campaign to repeatedly rebuke militants for launching rocket attacks against Israel and blindly fanning the flames of violence. "This fight will continue forever," added the unemployed 30-year-old who was recruited into the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades at 14.
Mother must be so proud: "That's my son! He's 30 years old, never held a job, and he's very dangerous!"

Posted by: Fred 2005-01-17